Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center

109 Bee St, Charleston, SC 29401, United States
Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center
Review №1

**3 updates**Where do I even start?1) Community care expects you to answer every call and refuses to call when its convenient for the Vet. I was just on hold with community care for 1 hour and 25 minutes (see photo) before I heard, Im sorry, were currently experiencing a system error. Please try your call again later, and I was hung up on.2) The pharmacy refuses to give me the prescription that I was prescribed by another VA, which works for me, and wants to give me another that doesnt. They literally said, we can write you a prescription so you can go to the pharmacy, but you have to pay out-of-pocket. No joke! She instructed me to purchase it out of pocket! Im 100% P&T service connected disabled.3) My drive to primary care takes over an hour, but they refuse to allow me community care.4) I had to find out On My Own that the VA scans of my thyroid showed level 5, highly concerning, nodules. *update 3* its now a goiter. They are telling me its normal. They also say the pain that radiates up my jaw into my neck is normal, and I just need physical therapy for it!5) I sent a secure message to my primary care regarding said results. She only called me to discuss my cholesterol. I am a health nut, fit, and have no history of cholesterol issues, but hypothyroidism IS a cause of cholesterol issues and liver failure!!And... 6) As of this post (in November) there are still several other appointments that havent been sent to community care that havent been scheduled since my requests in August*update 1*Im finished playing games with the mental health team. The lack of care and concern for my marriage is astounding, so Im going elsewhere. *update 2* The VA, after 4 months of pleading, agreed to give me marriage counseling. *Update 4* I met two couples so far that have received VA marital counseling within 2 months time of the request. One couple of which who was sent to a retreat courtesy of the VA.This VA is by far the worst I have ever encountered!

Review №2

I had a very good and quick experience here at the VA. The staff was very friendly, and they were very complimentary of my wife’s work of patching me up before we decided to have them check on my injury (she’s a PA). I can remember a quicker or more pleasant experience in a clinic or hospital, urgent, ER, or otherwise.

Review №3

Having a Dental issue, serious issue. Instead of helping i have to jump through hoops, drive 2+ hours away to sit in the Charleston VA ER and hope to get refered to a dentist. Thats absolute BS and you guys know it. Your call line employees are not only rude but actually have no idea what they are talking about. So unprofessional and just a disappointment to Veterans. My wife has stage 3 breast cancer and I cant just be taking trips hours away spending money that I dont have. Thanks for absolutely nothing but a head ache.

Review №4

The phone operators are some of the least helpful and act like the most inconvenienced people. The wait time to get a phone operator is already a good wait. But they will redirect you to wait for an operator again for the smallest things and act like they helped you out. So many times I will miss a call from their facility and I will call back not knowing why I was being contacted and they will just try to continuously redirect you over and over again to wait for the same operator and the same response and get angry when you tell them what they keep doing and why its not helping you with your situation.

Review №5

Just a complete failure for an emergency consult for an emergency condition. Patient advocate would not return phone call. Triage nurse could not help transfer my information to my clinic in Brunswick. Veteran cannot contact their own primary doctor, nurse or doctor to speak to them about an emergency consult. Ralph h. Johnson, VA medical center could not help veteran to receive consult authorization. Community Care Was finally provided an emergency consult for civilian emergency Operation but could not get the consult signed today. Community Care operator tried contacting all of her supervisors and she was unable to receive help to have my consult approved for emergency care. This all started this morning on 11 October at 8:30. A.m..o the veteran will have to wait in severe pain for treatment from the orthopedic surgeon till Monday and probably further due to the failures of this hospital and the VA system.

Review №6

This completely sucks to wait 2 months for an appt, drove 2 hours to get here for a neurology appt just to sit here for over 2 hrs waiting to be called back like you have no life to get to. The nurses sent multilevel messages to the doctor to let him know I was still there and he continued to skip over me. Multiple people with appts after me was called before me and I just decided to leave because I refuse to be looked over like this place looked over me for 2 hrs past my appointment time. I will definitely not be coming back here and just wait for appts to be placed closer to home. It may be further out appts but I’m sure it won’t be as bad as this once I’m there.

Review №7

I had a very great healthcare experience at the Charleston VA Ralph H. Johnson healthcare system. I was greeted and thanked for my service. They treated me with excellent care. I felt extremely safe and comfortable with the staff that was assigned to my care team. I would definitely like to thank the receptionist for the prompt and professional checkin experience. My nurse was Alonda and Rachel. These ladies on the third floor rock on all levels!! Both of these ladies were extremely professional and compassionate with me from start to finish. They were very transparent and they kept my husband well informed with updates throughout my procedure. I know people have different experiences, but overall my experience was very good and I would highly recommend this Charleston VA healthcare system to other veterans. FYI, it’s not a perfect system, but what system is perfect when we are dealing with imperfect people. We have to do our part to help improve other veterans healthcare experiences by being more grateful for the services that are being provided to Veterans via this system.

Review №8

My husband had appointment on Tuesday Sept 3 to get his lab work done. When he got there the system was down and they turned him away. He was told they would call with a new appointment. Its been 2 days & nothing. He called the Hinesville # and spoke with Keesha-Ann from appointment. She couldnt do anything but she would turn this over to your nurse. Then why is she working the appointment line. My husband has appointment on Tuesday September 10 for the results of his Labs work...Hows that going to work for him. Please explain!!

Review №9

My father Jamie was admitted here and diagnosed with possible glioblastoma. Unfortunately he went into respiratory failure before they could do surgery on him. My father passed away at mscu a day later on the 10th. I want to thank every single person in that icu for their care of my father. They kept us in the loop for everything, even when he wasn’t awake they would speak to him and tell him everything they were doing. Their kindness will stay with me for the rest of my life and I want them to know they made all the difference in my experience losing my dad. Thank you all so much. ❤️

Review №10

I went there for an MRI and the radiologist was amazing! She was super supportive, helpful, understanding, and patient. If every employee there is half as nice then we are all in good hands.

Review №11

This is the reason why I have to give this facility a one star: I have had more difficulty with this facility and this VISN than I have ever had with any other VA Medical Center. A lot of the doctors and specialists were wonderful. What isnt so great is beneficiary travel. I do think that this is an issue with a lot of the VA Facilities, but it needs to be clear that if we are to be sent out into the community, that it is conveyed to the community care provider and the veteran that beneficary travel needs to be submitted and not automatically reimbursed like it would be for the Kiosks at the facility. I was denied beneficary travel when I had to come up to MUSC per my general surgeons orders to get an implant. This implant would be for the location of where they were going to remove my benign mass that had gotten bigger on my left breast. So I traveled 2.5 hours to go to MUSC because that is where they sent me and VA facility did not have the equipment for that procedure. I was already struggling financially because I had traveled back and forth preparing for two procedures. One had to be moved and it is decided that both procedures could be done on the same day. The problem was that number one, beneficiary travel was and still is backlogged, so I couldnt get reimbursed. Patient advocate could not assist because they didnt have any programs. I was sent to social work with suprisingly they had no solutions for me either. This left me in my car, upset and calling the crisis hotline. I have 8 specialists between MUSC and VA. And I was concerned that I was not going to be able to afford returning for my preop appt. My mother was traveling from California to help me with my recovery and with my daughter. I was so stressed that I felt like just ending it. I was thankful that another social worker was able to help with some solutions and local veteran organizations took out their own money to make sure that I got back and forth for the rest of the month. I have been back and forth with travel and their BTSS program. Since I was confused on where to submit and it is shown in their system that I placed the form in the incorrect spot, then resubmitted it as their supervisor told me to, I was denied for the travel that I had to go to for my breast tag. I explained what happened and they didnt seem to give a damn because it was over 30 days since I had the procedure. I have submitted the form as provided in the denial letter which was a Notice of Disagreement and requested a higher level review. I got a message just telling me that it was denied with no actual process of my higher review and informal hearing. Almost like it was ignored. When someone request for a higher review, I dont think that the address should be the VA Medical Facility. I have only seen these things happen with the VBA and not the VHA. To this day, the form that I submitted has not been answered and I am having difficulties submitting forms into the system because the community care providers are not on their list. I was rudely told in a secure message that one of them was there and I needed to know where. They lied to patient advocate and put in writing that they have spoken to me when they have not. So now, I have to send this up to the Senators office because it appears that travel is either annoyed with me or they simply do not care about how much of a hardship that they can put veterans and their families in. The no exceptions rule for 30 days is crap, especially when veterans are not being made aware. Providers would be more than happy to have forms on standby, which they do now that I AS THE VETERAN told them something that the VA should have been telling them. I mean, they are paying for our care, so why leave them in the dark?The veteran organizations that helped me locally I am extremely greatful for, but it is sad that they did more for me and my care than this facilitys beneficiary travel has done. These veterans also do not trust this facility because of beneficiary travel alone. Stop lying to us and do better. We deserve better.

Review №12

Please improve parking- I am grateful for the services and my medical team is great. The parking situation is appalling. The parking lot design is poor. To block off already limited spaces for special guests is not honorable. Then there are tons of spots designated for volunteers. There doesnt need to be so many spaces for drop off. Please think about think about the patients. Finish the parking garage. Also revisit the parking lot that gives no room and is accidents waiting to happen.Also, please address staff who carry on with personal conversation. ENT check in and check out desk is especially bad, there are two woman who are always so loud and unprofessional. Also, this goes for the nurses too. Keep the personal stuff at the door please.

Review №13

From my visit’s to the RHJVA-Medical Center on January 20th and 27th.As of January 22, 2021 taken from the RHJVA-Medical Centers updates: I had an appointment today in Audiology @ 09:30 am, and to make sure I got there in time I had to leave early from Goose Creek @ 08:30 am, due to extreme traffic, obstacles and rainy weather. Arrived at 0910 am, not too bad. Parking is still easily accessible since the VA isn’t open fully. Checking in this morning through the ER, wasn’t too bad...the line wasn’t long, but moving. As for (SOCIAL DISTANCING) that was NOT adhered too...in fact a few of us politely asked fellow Veteran’s to SOCIAL DISTANCE themselves, but that only made things worse, and Veteran’s lashing verbally to shut our mouths because it’s their inherent right to be free. This is what the VA posting, and I quote ““Situation Update - Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center01/22/2021 08:49 AM ESTCOVID-19 (Coronavirus) InformationVA is moving forward with expanding select services at facilities across the country. As we welcome Veterans back, we will continue safety measures including, but not limited to, physical distancing, environmental cleaning recommendations outlined by the CDC, face coverings for all, and staff and Veteran screening for signs of COVID-19 infection. Safe care is our mission and our continuing commitment to Veterans and staff.Veteran patients should enter the building no earlier than 15 minutes before their appointment time.Veteran patients should exit the building as soon as their appointment is completed.No Visitor policy continues with some exceptions for end-of-life care patients; no visitors under age 18.All individuals must wear face masks while on our campuses and in our facilities.” I’ll let the public view this after you view some pictures I took this morning inside the ER entrance and inside the VA. The VA Employees are fabulous and very patient, kind and understanding...they even gave people called (NAVIGATORS) who float throughout the BA to direct, assist, and do what they can for Veterans. I’ll let the pictures tell the story on the Non-Existing Social Distancing. It’s very sad that a majority of Veteran’s can’t follow simple rules and guidelines...but I’ll bet you all followed these rules and guidelines when you were on (ACTIVE DUTY) military. So, stop shouting at those who make a simple request to follow Social Distancing and the wearing of a Face Mask. Thank you VA staff today for excellent service.

Review №14

Why bother writing a review. The VA is full of incompetence and Im sick of it. Im fully able and find it very difficult to be a patient.The entire system is setup to underserve veterans!Edit* The veteran is the upmost responsible for his or her health. Even at the direction of the doctors you must do your own research and be a doctor yourself otherwise you will be misdiagnosed and probably injured

Review №15

This medical center is great. The people go out of their way to be nice and helpful. My sense of direction is almost non-existent so anytime Im just looking quizzical trying to get my bearings someone asks if they can help. The food in the canteen is good, too.

Review №16

I figured I would update my review for a second time since the VA doesn’t want to fix their issues. A bunch of incompetent people who seem happy to say F.U to the Veterans. It’s getting dangerously close to lawsuit time. Anyone interested in filing a class action suit message me.The VA system is still trash! I have been neglected and misdiagnosed going on 10 years now. Thank God for the civilian doctors I have been able to see over the years because without them my health both physical and mental would have been just pushed aside by some doctor who puts quantity of quality. I know this because I have had a request for a procedure sit on my doctors desk until it expired. I would be here for a few hours if I wrote everything from the past 10 years so I will just highlight some of the more recent ones. I was having chest pain related to a disc in my spine pinching a nerve. The cardiac surgeon told me that was impossible, and it sounded like I have fibromyalgia (WRONG). I needed an SI Joint Fusion as I could not stand for longer than 10 minutes without the need to sit down. A civilian ortho surgeon gave the VA ortho surgeon a report on not only the procedure being needed but why it was needed. The VA orthopedic surgeon who reviewed the request decided to look at MRIs that were 3 and 4 years old and denied the surgery that I desperately needed stating that there was nothing that he could see that could be fixed by surgery and I needed to continue nonoperative methods (WRONG). Surgery gave me great relief by the way. Thank God the Patient Advocates are competent and were able to help me get the surgery through community care. I started seeing a doctor on my own outside of the VA and sent a prescription to the VA pharmacy. Instead of calling me and telling me that my doctor was not going to fill it because he didnt feel like it, they basically threw it away and waited 10 days to send me a letter telling me that I didnt have any authorization to see a doctor threw community care (I USED MY PRIVATE INSURANCE.... WRONG). Then today they sent me a secure message telling me that if I want to bring the records to a certain doctor then maybe she would write the prescription(almost 14 days after the fact) and (This is after I explained to them that due to how the first appointment went with that doctor was the very reason, I used my private insurance to go to an outside doctor and I did not want any more appointments with that doctor). The only reason I still use the VA is for community care so I can see civilian doctors. If they ever take community care away, hell will freeze over before I ever let another incompetent VA doctor in Charleston or Myrtle Beach provide me with medical care. The VA really needs to get their S*** together.

Review №17

Apparently, this VA has too many patients. It takes you three months to get an appointment with your primary care physician. Lord forbid you were actually sick you have to go to the ER. This is probably the worst service I have ever had from this VA. They added a completely new building and supposedly added more people, and still cannot service their veterans. If you’re moving to this area thinking you’re going to get good VA benefit coverage for your medical needs. Please think again this is not the first time this has happened to me and I’m quite sure it’s happened to a lot of people and I really wish more people would voice their opinion so that may be the VA would get the idea that they need to make a change in the Charleston area.

Review №18

MUSC and the VA Ralph Johnson Center working together thats awesome, been going here for over 10 years, a great group of Nurses and Doctors and Staff working together and providing a great service, thank you for all you do, just recently had surgery with the Urology Dept. and know in the recovery stages and they did an amazing job with my surgery and recovery at home recovering and calls from the hospital on my well being you just cant beat that kind of service elsewhere, thank you Ralph Johnson Center and MUSC hospital. For looking out for Veterans.As you can see the hospital has been going through renovation and they did a awesome job, Beautiful place.

Review №19

Will not communicate surgery schedule for drop off or pick up. Appt at 10am, oh now the appointment is 12:30 after waiting an hour for someone to check on us. Finally getting a text at 3:11 saying he’s going in for surgery after thinking he’s almost done is infuriating when you have other stuff to do after a “2 hour surgery”. Went to both waiting rooms and there was no staff for any updates. The organization and scheduling people here are a joke and this is not acceptable treatment for vets and their families.

Review №20

Saw a primary care physician at North Clinic in a timely manor for my very painful service connected knee as I can hardly walk. He was very good. Referred me for an MRI at the VA Medical Center downtown.Waited and waited for the MRI scheduling department to call me. Nothing. I left two messages with that department to please call as I am in great pain. After waiting 10 days I called the patient advocate office. They were very nice and understanding and still waiting to hear from that MRI scheduling office. Tomorrow will be two weeks that the referral was submitted. This is unacceptable and I speak from my own radiology management experience AND my wife just retired as the VA MEDICAL CENTER MRI SUPERVISOR at another medical center location!!!!!!There is something VERY wrong with patient care at this particular medical center. Obviously a management issue. Im confident the employees themselves are very caring individuals and hold their workmanship and veterans in high regard as my wife did but suspect management has not given them the tools and resources they desperately need.So I am still hobbling around in pain and waiting. How long will the process take to get a seen by an orthopedic specialist I have no idea. I would hope the director of this medical center is held accountable.*** UPDATE: Thanks to the Patient Advocate Supervisor I was able to get in today (after 13 days of no communication from MRI scheduling department) for my MRI imaging study! I was called this morning by the MRI team and got me right in. I was very impressed with the radiology staff. I was warmly welcomed by the hospital front desk volunteers. I also went for a blood draw as ordered by my physician at which time a lab tech immediately attended to me. She was fantastic and such a professional! Overall very impressed with the medical center but sounds like a staffing and management issue especially in regard to the scheduling department.Update 2: Seems like I my care has improved dramatically after my MRI as I had 3 physical therapy sessions on my knee as a requirement before being seen by the orthopedic department. The PT Team was very professional, caring and helpful. Just met with orthopedic PA Jason who reviewed my knee MRI with myself and my wife. Detailed professional that demonstrated a meniscus tear and other related issues. Knowing I was in pain and quality of my life compromised over the past few months, it was agreed upon I was a surgical candidate. I needed this resolved sooner than later as my overall mental and physical health was declining. Jason was able to coordinate and schedule my surgery in a very timely manor!I can not wait to recover and be able to walk with my service dog once again!Thank you all and sorry if I came off harsh in the beginning of this review but extended period of pain can have that effect.Thank you

Review №21

Was in the icu for 2 todays and the entire time I was there my nurses were rock stars.

Review №22

My husband had a hernia surgery today, we were not disappointed. They made the entire process very nice and comfortable. His surgery went well. Even to me in the family waiting room, the receptionist was extremely nice and made me feel very warm while waiting for the surgery to end. All the vets were very nice answering all my questions. Even the guy who escorted my husband to the car in the wheelchair was very kind. A very pleasant visit🫶

Review №23

The people who care, don’t have the power to do anything. And the people who have power don’t care.The MH section of the RHJVAMC is one of the most poorly ran operations I’ve experienced. No one calls back, I’ve been denied treatment by one provider and that’s the end of the story - no second opinion, nothing.The doctors there seem knowledgeable about medication and ECT and press HARD to go that route. It’s a bit concerning how bad they wish to quickly medicate you and send you to get shocked.As far as leadership of the hospital, I’ve been trying to contact anyone from the leadership team for over 4 weeks - promised someone will call me back and no one does. Wrote a letter directly to Mr Scott Isaacks (Director) and was told that he never received it because a staff member opened it and never gave it to him. Still never contacted.Chief of Staff Dr Blasy has been notified that I’ve been wishing to speak to him regarding my concerns and complaints over the MH facility, and for 4+ weeks has neglected to return my calls. I say neglected, because they’re all aware of my attempts to reach them, and instead they choose meetings and award ceremonies over addressing their patients issues.Not that this should really matter, but of the 5 members in leadership roles at the RHJVAMC, 1 of them is a veteran. One. So basically, people are running the show who have never served a day in their life, and some aren’t even medical professionals.Serious issues with leadership at this facility, along with decision making. I found two prior OIG investigations dating back a few years ago over mismanagement of issues regarding patients, one leading to a suicide.This facility is great for many things, and I think that’s the horse they mainly try to put in front of the pack for appearance. Frankly, the entire leadership and MH department should be revamped with a patient first mentality.4+ weeks and no response is not the definition of a leader. It’s a failure of the leadership team, the VA, and another shining example of the lack of trust a large majority of veterans have with the VA.Follow-up 1/5/2024: Mr Isaacks (Director) has blatantly ignored my requests to speak directly regarding concerns of communication and malpractice of staff members. A letter I wrote directly to him (directed by Patient Advocates) was never received by him or delivered to him, as a staff member relayed to me. I followed up the letter with an email directly to him, which he ignored and never followed up with.Mr. Blasy (Chief of Staff) called me finally over a month ago and told me MUSC would be contacting me the following day for a consult because they had a contract with them. A week ago I was told there is no contract with him, and still have yet to had a consult with MUSC. Leadership and staff still strive for incompetence and failure to communicate from top to bottom. I tried to get an operator to even transfer me to the leadership office and the gentleman told me, and I quote we were informed we are no longer allowed to transfer individuals to the leadership office. This isnt leadership, these are business people looking to make a big buck off the backs of veterans suffering.

Review №24

I’m not the biggest fan when it comes to the va. Ppl want a doctor who stays consistent and cares and be around a lot longer than a revolving door. The construction going on at this place has been going on forever now. Will they finish or do they just want to appear busy?!

Review №25

I consider it as 3rd rate medical care. My calls don’t get answered, my problems don’t get fixed, nor am I allowed to see a real doctor. I needed knee surgery and I was told I was to fat had elbow problem and was told nothing was wrong. Went to my private surgeon’s office and I needed a total elbow replacement. Terrible care. Wouldn’t recommend them to anyone. It’s taken 4 weeks and no answer from the sleep lab about my new equipment not even the answer they say you will get within 24 to 48 hours. Doctors at va are lazy and 3rd rate jokes

Review №26

In all honest I don’t even trust these ppl to put a bandaid on my paper cut. They let me walk around for almost two years with a thyroid that barely functioned. It wasn’t until I went and ordered my own blood work and threw it back in their faces that they actually believed me. Now I’m in a new battle with the Va all over an allergy consult. I’ve literally been two the ER for hives 3 times in the last month and my “genius” primary care doctor refuses to put in a new consult until she has seen me for a new patient appointment. Long story short I’ll more than likely be asking my outside provider that I pay for what she thinks and then take her advice

Review №27

Went here for my dad who is last stages of copd. Saw primary and was suppose to get everything in line for a pulmonary dr. Months later no appt. He cant leave the house took forever to finally get a ramp which day 3 still no show. Got glasses and he cant use them no calls back. Social Worker! Not even gonna even start.. I absolutely do not recommend this hell hole. Still waiting on ramp and this is day 3!

Review №28

Travel pay section seems to be always late to work, leaving too early, never answering the phone and having an excuse for everything when you do finally get in touch. Billy Peker and Steve Masenburg are very rude and aggressive and offered no assistance and just much rather hang up on Vets. They for sure do not even deserve 1 star. In the end, keep your $26 travel pay if it makes you feel better to keep it out of a veterans pocket! Shame on you both!This letter is my interaction and statement with the travel pay section. Like all the other 6, my claim was submitted before the 30 days. I also sent two messages with this first one, not understanding if the incomplete was on my side or if it was meant to be incomplete on their side. My documents and messages were deleted, which they said was my fault, and they blamed me no matter what I said. Two other claims were also deleted but were still there as a create. With the travel section, I discovered that if you have patience and do not call and wait for a response on messages, I am damned. If I call too soon, they get upset.Finally, I got in touch with Liz, and she fixed everything for me and explained everything, but this one was denied, and she said nothing could be done even though she understood it was submitted before the 30 days and that it was deleted. Trying to call the travel section can waste a whole day to 3 days because they hardly answer the phone, go home, I figure around 1530-1600, and have an excuse not to help. Not a Vet, Liz was the only one there with compassion.I eventually gave up having patience and giving them time to do their job. I had to call PA because that is who Liz told me to call to resolve this issue. Steven Massenburg and a Billy avoided my calls for about a week, was aggressive, rude, and hung up on me without direction when asked. He only called and seemed upset because I called PA it seemed.

Review №29

Just spent 18 days in this facility and I can vouch on how well I was taken care of , my situation required a stay in 4B South the nurses and techs both in A and B teams were so cheerful and compassionate in my care! As I was diagnosed, I ended up using radiology in several capacities, all nurses , Doctors, techs there were awesome, including a quick ride to MUSC for an mri by a professional transport team, following surgery I was in ICU for A few days, I can say my nurses Tom, Carolyn and my hero Tamara where so caring and compassionate and essential to my recovery. After ICU was transferred to 4B South again the nurses and techs took so very good care of me.A special shout out to the nutritionists and there cooks the meals were outstanding for the cardiac health picks. Im so thankful for the entire Medical and Neurological/ Neurosurgery team for there care and genuine concern for my health. Well run facility you can tell by the demeanor of their employees who love their job and truly do care for you. Thank you all so much!

Review №30

This place is the worst!!!!! I truly feel sorry for people who have to use the VA as their primary and ONLY source of Healthcare. My husband takes medication for his heart issues. He has an LVAD which is being used as a bridge to transplant, meaning the heart pump is to keep him alive until he gets a new heart. He just had a heart procedure done a month ago and has been placed on a new medication. I thank Jesus that my husband is able to get his medical care through the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville because I am convinced that if he had to go through the VA for medical care, my husband would be dead. My brother in law was in the VA hospital in Atlanta for respiratory problems,and they gave him a dialysis treatment that was meant for someone with the same last name that he has. People PLEASE be careful. My husband only goes through the VA to get his prescriptions filled and he has been trying to get this new heart medication filled for 2 weeks now and has not received it yet. The nurse of the doctor that takes care of my husband at Mayo faxed the prescription over to the doctor at the VA 2 weeks ago. My husband has had to pretty much harass the VA with phone call after phone call after phone call to get a response about why the medication has not been filled and mailed out to him.. He finally reached the patient advocate and she was able to help. He is down to 1 more day worth of his medication...FOR HIS HEART. He spoke with the VA nurse on Thursday and once they realized their mistake they said they would go ahead and fill it. He asked them to overnight it and they said that would be up to the doctor. As of today, Saturday, 8/19/2023, we have no medication that has been delivered to our home. This place (all of the VAS) is a joke that has no punchline. Be aware of EVERYTHING that goes on when you interact with these facilities. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. NOTHING IS TOO SMALL TO DOCUMENT. AND ALWAYS HAVE SOMEONE WITH YOU (if possible). Be safe and look out for yourselves because they can care less. Youre just a number. BTW...we still dont know how an accidental dialysis treatment is going g to affect my brother in law. SMH...

Review №31

My care here I was better than ANY other VA experience I have ever had. I am so grateful to the ED doctor (Etheridge) and the nurses who treated me. Thanks to them, their attentiveness, and their wonderful bedside manner, I am in a lot less pain than before.

Review №32

The treatment Im receiving is abysmal, and my primary care and neurologist are criminally incompetent. Im only 40, and went into the VA with neuro symptoms, migraines, neck pain and freezing extremeties, and I get told to wear socks and gloves. Its 85 freaking degrees out, my limbs shouldnt be frigid, but thats the smallest problem. Ive been having extreme brain fog and chronic migraines, I know its coming from something in the back of my neck and right scapula, and I still havent really been checked by someone regarding this.Neuro is basically blaming my divorce from 12 years ago for all my issues (true story), and wont look any further. I had an MRI done 5 weeks ago and cant get a call back on results,I had glasses put in 9 weeks ago and still nothing.I appreciate the things the VA does do, but I need a second opinion from an outside source because my health is terrible because they refuse to look.

Review №33

Employees at this facility are completely rude, they call but do not leave a voicemail. When calling back they put you on hold, and when you answer they hang up so you have to keep calling.

Review №34

They will not return calls like they say, Ive been trying to get cpap equipment for 5 weeks and they still wont even answer may calls. not my throat is all swollen and i have trouble swallowing because of not having a mask to use with my machine. very corrupt place. 3rd rate doctors in a third rate facility

Review №35

My experiences with this hospital’s facility and medical staff have been excellent. The medical administrative staff are also well trained and informed administrators. The VA management staff leaves a bit to be desired, but their plans and maintenance are restricted by a predetermined budget not in their control, which is bound to make them grumpy. The advanced care at R H Johnson is augmented and supported by the SC Medical University Hospital, which in on the same city block. I have had acute care at both hospitals, and I have confidence in their ability to meet all medical challenges. Remember, you are responsible for the decisions and they are your expert advisors.

Review №36

As a veteran, this is why veterans commit suicide and think gee I wonder why? They do not care about you or anyone. Its just business. this system is a part of the corruption that is supposed to care for veterans! They say they care, but thats a lie. If they did, they would be happy to help you regardless of status. Whatever happened to our country?

Review №37

Avoided making the 3 hour drive for 2 years and regret every second of it. Dr. Conn has been the best gastroenterologist I have seen personally. He has a level of care for his patients and his job that I have not witnessed from previous doctors. Other places I’ve been to I felt like I was just there for their paycheck and didn’t really care about my health. Plus the staff all over the building was very helpful on helping us out. The VA gets a bad reputation but this place has been a great experience so far!

Review №38

Its the VA hospital. they overbook appointments. the pharmacy is a guessing game. the cafeteria is mediocre but not horrid. Nurses are threatening to strike. the VA system has never impressed me. but at least veterans arent dying in the waiting room anymore. so theres 1 star I guess. if this was any other hospital the government wouldve shut it down.

Review №39

12/22. Really enjoy coming here for care. Top staff in here and I always feel like great care is provided. I left there Tuesday afternoon feeling much better then my arrival. Large place and much of a maze, but anyone can give you directions. My only con is parking. You really need early arrival to find a parking space. Better facility than others I’ve dealt with. Even with parking 5/5 !!!

Review №40

I spent this morning, with my son, who had an out patient procedure at this location. Every person we met was friendly and helpful getting us to his check in area. Procedure completed, he is home feeling fine. Thank you VA for being there for our military personnel.

Review №41

This VA falls far short of the standard weve seen in California and Washington DC. How do you exchange medication that was working for a patient for over 10 years, you give them different meds or generics due to cost that dont work and their quality of life has drastically deteriorated since. What a poor poor disservice to our service men and women.

Review №42

I would give them a 4.5 star, but a 5 will do. Receiving treatment here since 2016, this facility has been above the average. Almost every medical professional I have encountered has been courteous, caring, and passionate about the care they provide. Even the resident doctors from MUSC that are used seem to share the same passion. A compliment to both institutions. These medical professionals and volunteers always seem to take great pride in serving the veterans of this great nation.

Review №43

8-28-2020I had a procedure done in the G.I. unit. I was taken good care of by the team. I loved Nurse Karen and Melissa. They took exceptional care of me and my needs. I saw personally how they took precautionary measures due to Covid and I was very much so impressed. Very professional staff whom worked well together. Thank you for serving the needs of veterans.

Review №44

I feel compelled to write a great review for Charleston VA Medical Center. From lab techs to specialty appointment doctors, emergency room and hospital staff this VA hospital seems excellent to me. They are caring and a competent staff. I just wished I lived closer to the hospital as I go to an outpatient clinic of Charleston because I live some distance away. It’s a long drive when I really get sick. Going to a local emergency room is a nightmare waiting for VA to pay the bill.

Review №45

I have been with Charleston VA since Feb of 2017 and it has changed my life. They have amazing providers, my doctors have made life so worth living. Last year the team saved my life at the VA in Charleston, I truly believe they have the best inpatient and ICU team in the area.

Review №46

It used to be I could be seen around my scheduled time. They want you to understand they are short staffed, but they continue to double and triple book 1 doctor for the same time resulting in waiting over 2 hours to be seen. What the heck is the purpose of scheduling a patient if they have to wait over an hour over their scheduled time. I cant cancel because I cant keep taking off of work for this lack of respect to veteran patients. I have tried to be understanding but they treat you as though you dont exist UNLESS you are that person to complain. I hate having to be that person. Then if you bring it to the attention of a desk person you get treated like you are bothering them. Utterly ridiculous. Either hire more doctors.......or stop double and triple booking the ones you have. Nobody wants to spend their entire day at a hospital!

Review №47

My husband was in the VA for a week this month. I have nothing but praises for the Staff, Doctors and administration. My husband was in very serious condition and due to their concern and care he is doing well today. I must tell you that I have been to this same VA in past years with my father and it has come a long way from what it was in those days. Nothing and no one is perfect but we can pray to the one that is perfect for the hospital and its staff that they will strive to do their best to take care of those who come there and put their trust and confidence in them.

Review №48

I give this facility five stars and a special thanks to patient advocate (PA) Lakeisha and Ms. Cynthia from the dental clinic. I initially wrote a sub-par review as it was so difficult to get appointments. The feedback I received from that review was a call from PA Lakeisha who got me through the process of appointments today. I applaud VA Charleston for ensuring patients are taken care of. Thank You!

Review №49

The VA Hospital is deplorable. I have taken my dad to the ER last night (3/22/17). He has shortness of breath and has a severe infection in both of his legs. We got there at 7:30pm and was not taken in the back until 9:30pm. From the time we got in the back we were told that they were going to admit him to the hospital and we are still in the ER waiting 17 hours later. They are saying there are no open beds in the hospital and they will not send him to another hospital to accommodate his needs as a very sick patient. The staff there are horrible and are Doctor was not the best either. The people that work here have no since of urgency. I feel like we are getting the run around. And if we take him to another ER the VA will not pay for it. I just don’t understand how veterans can give their lives for our country but this is how our veterans are being treated.

Review №50

I having been a US Army veteran since 1976 and used the Ralph Johnson facility since moving here in 2006. Prior to that, it was the Dorn facility in Columbia, SC. I have visited facilities in Asheville, NC and Wilmington, NC.The Ralph Johnson facility is by far the best anywhere. The level of care they have provided me. from normal needs to sleep study to cancer treatment to weight loss to eyes and heart issues and all between, has been grade A+++. I am on Medicare & Humana now. I could go anywhere closer to my home or work I would choose. But I choose to go out of my way and go to the best that I trust with my life.Thanks to the amazing team of doctors, surgeons, medics, nurses, admin and all I have interacted with since coming here in Sep 2006.

Review №51

After having my appointment canceled and rescheduled for the day of an hour before they wanted me there, (so no time to plan for anything) my son was kicked out for not being old enough. The lady at the front was extremely rude to my son and wife. I was have a procedure done that made me unable to drive and had no time to get child care due to the last second reschedule by the va staff. Ive been to many vas across this country (even during the pandemic) my child has never been refused entry. Not all vets are old and plenty have kids. This is unacceptable and that womans behavior towards my wife and son is inexcusable.

Review №52

I would like to say, Ralph H. Johnsons Pharmacy Department is amazing, namely Dr. Mary Archambault. When I had difficulty making the transition from pre-diabetes to an A1C of 12, I did not understand how I was impacted so quickly, sugar from fresh fruits were a problem, the role of each medication, and the seriousness of my diagnosis. I was overwhelmed, confused and did not like the direction my life was headed in. I was provided the support of Mrs. Johnson in the MOVE program who is patient, professional and kind, the Diabetic Dream Team who walked me through a less complex approach to healthy eating and Dr. Archambault, who called me at home and would not hang up the phone until I understood how my pancreas, liver, BMI, and sugar played a role in my diagnosis. As a patient, I felt special & valued. I did not feel rushed. She listened, answered questions regardless of how silly it sounded, and with a tone that was concerned, empathetic, genuine, and warm. Building rapport with my pharmacist was never important to me, until now. I absolutely trust her... because she goes above and beyond to ensure my concerns are important to her and she validates my concern. Her telephone etiquette is unmatched.Unfortunately, this pandemic has created a wedge between practitioners and their clients. If you are lucky, you will get a call from Dr. Archambault, a true professional who obviously loves the population she serves. I cannot say enough!! Except, whoever her department head or supervisors are, she should be acknowledged. We do not celebrate our medical professions enough, especially the ones who represent us well.May God Bless Our Veterans..

Review №53

I spoke with a lady named Karen Thompson. She was great. I was asking why I’m not getting a follow up appointment with my doctor after labs. She explained that they were overwhelmed with vets at this time. She explained to me how to find my results on “ My Healthy Vet”. She also explained to me that if there were any bad results that I would be contacted to follow up. Thank you Karen for the help. She was great!!!

Review №54

This review is for Dr. Debbie Byron, my Podiatrist who did a great job with my surgical operation done on my foot in June 2022. She’s the hardest working woman I’ve ever met, and she truly deserves recognition and praise for her service to veterans, as myself. Thank you, Ms. Byron, and you’re much appreciated.

Review №55

There are no signs for where to enter hospital. Then the people working inside are no help. Was told follow signs for green team and theres none. Then people dont want to take a second to help but they had time to watch relegion on TV some preachers show. My appointment was at 930 its now 1015 and still have not been seen. There seems to be more employees on their phones than really caring about the patients. There wasnt any time when I was in the building with the exception of the Drs room that I didnt witness an employee texting. Amazing the lack of respect for the patients that demonstrates. Its a burden to check in a patient instead of a kiosk but OK to talk and text! Its no wonder the suicide rates of veterans are so high. If I could afford it I would NEVER step foot into the VA!

Review №56

Last straw....Called this morning to make an appointment and not only is this phone number not working, but every clinic number is not working.... Previously had the call center in Charleston hang up on me when I asked the representatives name, because it was not provided and they were super rude. Not once, but twice this happened about 2 weeks apart. Find another job if you dont want to work there! I complained to the patient advocacy about it as well as about the long response times from the PCP concerning medical care. (MRI referrals, etc) Never been followed up with by Patient Advocates to this day. Mental Health services are a joke, during the time I was using VA... I went through 4 different providers because they leave every 9 months for better jobs or are just trying to become a doctor and never have got one in person for care, EVER. Always talked to someone thru Skype. Half the time you arrive and talk to some random person because your assigned MH provider isnt available, even though you waited a month or longer for the appointment. Thankfully, I am retired and have Tricare and have moved on to better Primary Care as well as Mental Health care, other than the sleep specialist who cant be contacted this morning. I feel sorry for the veterans who have nothing but the VA to use for care. 3 years in the making....Rant complete.... for now...

Review №57

They sent me there to be reviewed and the twisted it saying why did I come after driving 2 hrs..poked and prived me...the doctor was rude and inconsiderate...I have brusing all up my arms from the lack of nurses...I have so many bruised it is not even funny. Veterans miss-treated. When they finally admitted one nurse made me sound crazy and due to that my surgery for gallbladder removal is postpones to who knows when and my child is wondering were mommy went to. I cant even leave my room with out being excorted back and them blocking my doors with two machines.

Review №58

The doctors and nurses for general care are amazing and very attentive.Getting an appointment is a nightmare unless you go in person. However, the front desk personnel dont seem to know anything (they had no idea how to get the VHIC card) and the personnel who transfer calls are incredibly rude and dismissive (will almost always use a tone with you).

Review №59

We are seen at the Goose Creek, SC satellite clinic for routine visits, but come to the main VA Hospital in downtown Charleston, SC for specialty clinics. We havent had any issues, everyone has been kind, courteous and professional. Learning our way around the campus is challenging, but were figuring things out. With all the bad people hear about the VA, we hope that the good we experience carries over to someone else.

Review №60

Havent ever been to another VAMC, so I cant compare it. I have been to Charleston for tests, consults, surgeries and currently undergoing localized chemo treatments. I have nothing but praise for the staff, all the way from doctors to volunteers and everyone in between. Attitudes are great. They care, and they are just good people. Parking is a problem, but the FREE valet service helps that. My only real complaint is that they like to schedule things early and coming from two and a half hours away makes that a problem. All in all, I am very impressed with Charleston VAMC.

Review №61

Moved here from california and this is by far the worst va medical facility I have ever been to! Specialty care doctors in the pain management department refuse to continue my routine care that has taken more then 10 years to get in effect and has been routine for the past 4+ years and the only effective care I have received! Will be contacting the director of the hospital and then the secretary of the V.A. Have heard stories from other local Veterans of patients they have taken to the er dying in the hallway after waiting more then 8 hrs to be seen by a doctor.

Review №62

Sooooooooooooo many bad things went wrong for me yesterday at my Radiology appointment that I traveled 3 hours to and 3 hours back. Appointment was at 1pm, checked in at 12:30. Called back, at 1:15 (no problem), laying on the table ready for my ultrasound and the tech tells me after calling for my doctor that he is currently on leave and will not return until November 28th. Say what? This is very unsatisfactory to me. Had I not made my appointment I would receive a letter in the mail telling me that another veteran couldve been seen. Im not understanding why a telephone call wasnt placed to me advising me that I would have to reschedule. Drove 6 hours, no appointment and still have the same ailments. Appointment rescheduled for November 30th, praying the good doctor is back from vacation and can do my procedure that I have been trying to get taken care of since May.

Review №63

I have to commend the hospital as a whole. They have much respect for the veterans who have served this great country. I have to give a special thanks to the nurses and staff of the 4th floor. Exceptional leadership Sara and Darrell. I personally had to witness what you had to endure on a daily basis.Thank youMichael and Samantha Avery.

Review №64

Had a great appt this morning with Dr Haney (first name). He’s a Dr of Pharmacy and I must say, a very impressive young Dr.! The care I receive at the VA is unparalleled in my lifetime. Congrats to another great hire by the VA!

Review №65

This hospital needs to treat our war vets better.I have a close friend who called the ED last night. He had an unknown medical episode and was unable to walk or even get to the bathroom.He was given no advice or instruction to visit the VA ED. My friend had to lay in his own waste until I discovered his condition this morning.I’m taking him to Summerville medical center.VA centers that can’t or won’t provide appropriate care should be defunded.

Review №66

ALL staff were incredible and helpful. They took good care of my husband who had a knee replacement. The hospital is under construction, but we barely heard any noise. Keep up the good work!

Review №67

Had a scheduled upper and lower GI scheduled for October 30. Recieved a call October 28 cancelling my procedures. My fiancee took Friday the 30th off to drive me home. I also had to drive all the way to Myrtle Beach clinic for Covid screening. To make matters worse, I have lost over 20 pounds in a little over a month. How much weight do I have to lose before these procedures are done. Ralph H Johnson VA Center doesnt seem to care.

Review №68

Ive never had a bad experience at the CHS VA Hospital and actually look forward to visiting. My last visit I had MULTIPLE people offer to help by asking if I knew where I was going, and was even escorted by the personnel at the front desk to the appropriate section I was looking for. I won a free coffee at the cafe too! Going to hospitals is already stressful enough, however, theres a reason why their ratings are so high.The parking is HORRIBLE. Do not bother parking in their extremely small parking lot. Use the MUSC lot next door. It is only 3 miles and if youre a veteran you should claim your miles and parking at the front desk. To some people this can be a major problem, however, I dont mind the short walk into the back of the hospital where theres actually less people.

Review №69

The Ralph H Johnson Medical Center is a world class hospital and treatment facility with some of the most caring staff that I have ever seen. I have been a patient for over 10 years and experienced in-patient care, physical therapy, major surgery, chemo therapy, and follow up care. The in-house pharmacy is professional and always responsive. These folks literally saved my life, and I am grateful. RHJMC has the advantage of being next to the Medical University of South Carolina campus, and they often share resources, much to the benefit of their patients. Savannah, Georgia is my home and we have a new outpatient clinic that works in collaboration with Charlestons RHJMC to provide comprehensive and compassionate patient services. I happily rate them at 5 Stars.

Review №70

The VA police are ridiculous. I got pulled over and thoroughly talked to for not waiting a full 3 seconds at a stop sign. Not rolling through it - I stopped completely - just for not long enough, apparently. Some rent-a-cop in his 30s, maybe 40s, talked down to me, a disabled veteran, for a good 3-5 minutes, letting me know that he was letting me off easy. Came to write a review about the unprofessionalism Id experienced, and lo and behold my stories been trumped by a man who got a $525 ticket for forgetting to pay for his refill in the cafeteria. Approach this place with extreme caution.

Review №71

I have had several bad encounters with this hospital. My Grandfather had prostate cancer and he had tubes places in both of his kidneys. Unfortunately the cancer had spread and he was put in hospice care in August. The VA sent him home to be in hospice and FORGOT to give the transport his pain medication. When I called the VA they basically called me a liar and said that they sent the meds with the transport. Transport even said that they received a lot of bags and after going through them the meds were not found, so they explained that they did not have the meds. So he had enough to only last him a day since the pharmacy was closed every where else because when the hospital finally released him it was after 9pm. Long story short, the next day my Grandfather was in so much pain I had to call EMS to come get him. After going back to the VA I explained to the ER doctor the situation and after HE physically went to the pharmacist he FOUND the meds that they apparently sent with transport. So after getting him comfortable they were ready to discharge and send him home. I had administration come to me and advise that they were going to put him in my car. I advised her that he was unable to ride in my car due to him being bed bound, she was then going back and forth with me saying that he MADE to much money in SSI and how he ran out of transport rides for the month. I told her that there was no other choice, he is bed bound and there for i am not going to get put him in a car where he will be uncomfortable and then I would have to somehow find a way to get him in the house. Needless to say after fussing with them he got a way home.I feel like they were more worried about the money then the patient and some of the things that I questioned about while in their care they would get an attitude about.I will say however, My grandfather was put back in the VA hospital where he lost his battle with cancer on 09/04/2017 and he was there that weekend he had 2 nurses that I absolutely adore and they did a wonderful job in keeping him comfortable through his transition. I could tell he was happy and his reaction to them was amazing. We were on 4b south and the young lady had very curly hair and was sweet and the other woman was Kea.

Review №72

Easy to find, but a pain to leave.Parking is limited in the front. Vallia parking in the front. Have to play musical chairs to get a spot. Parking decks in the back.Staff is courteous,helpful when asked a question. The doctors and assistants are nice and explains everything to me.I had no problem with personal. But the parking is a different story.They have approximately 900 parking spaces and 1000 +cars needing them.

Review №73

Truly appreciate the care I received at the RHJohnson VA Medical Center in Charleston on 28 May 2019 in the GI Department on the 3rd Floor. Karen Long, Loretha Sarah, Susie, Lynn, Victoria, Anthony, Sam, and anyone else that I forgot, took such good care of me during my short 2 hour visit. Truly could not ask for a better team of healthcare providers. I cant say enough about how impressed I was with the facilities. For those who have never been, the Hall of Heroes on the first floor is a must see. The photographs of the men and women who served to protect our freedoms are beautifully displayed providing a glimpse at their past as well as their present.

Review №74

The smokers on staff use the 213 bus shelter for their smoke break. So if you are actually waiting for the bus, you have to sit in a cloud of smoke or stand away from them in the rain. Very rude and inconsiderate.

Review №75

Terrible. No parking. Small. They ask you to be twenty minutes early do your appointment and see you 30 minutes late at the earliest. Waiting rooms are crowded and the doctors dont care. Your just a number. Worst of all the bathrooms are hard to find, when you find them they are always full. This is the origin of all the VA horror stories.

Review №76

Ive always received great care from good people. Of course, I had to wait but usually not any longer than at civilian clinics. You folks do a wonderful job for us vets. Thanks.

Review №77

Excellent care from the Doctor to the Nurse and Food Service.

Review №78

It is absolutely ridiculous that the VA, including the RHJ VAMC, are still requiring face masks be worn inside their facilities. According to the CDC, masks in medical facilities are no longer recommended or required. None of the other medical facilities immediately adjacent to RHJ VAMC or those medical facilities in the vicinity of our CBOC’s mandate masks, they lifted the requirements months ago without issue.Additionally, President Biden declared the pandemic was over on national TV months ago.Many of us that have legitimate medical health reasons for not wanting to mask up should not be forced to do so, especially knowing that certain phobias and conditions can be detrimentally affected by doing so.It is time to put politics aside and for common sense to return. Face masks have been proven to do nothing to mitigate the spread of Covid. Stop the nonsense.

Review №79

Thank you to all the kind compassionate caring staff at this hospital including Dr.David Koch, MD Isaac Jaben,RN Susan Wolfrom,GI Technician Dale Lawver,Donovan Cooper, Paige Schackelton,Grace Homez,Jenny Culbertson, the Pharmacy , Aneshesia, and the Entire Staff for providing Exceptional, Outstanding Medical Care who went beyond and above for this Gulf War Veteran! I truly appreciate each and every one of you! You probably saved my life!! Thank You and God Bless🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Review №80

I am trying to contact the Eye Clinic, generally known to the world as optometry but in the VA system is the Eye Clinic, and the VA website only has a general number for the hospital. I called it and got transferred outside of the VA some how. I called back and the operator simply put me on hold and apparently forgot about me because I was on hold for about 10 minutes before I hung up. So I Google it and it gave a number that was for the wrong department. But the guy I talked to searched for the number in his directory and could not find it. He took my name and number and told me that he would run down stairs and ask them for their number and call me back, I really appreciate that. This is a failed system that is running on life support.

Review №81

Very friendly staff. They usually get you back at your appointment on time. The main complaint is the neverending battle for parking. You have to show up an hour early just to find parking. They have the free valet but you will wait in line for 30 minutes before you can drop your car off. The parking lots are cramped. The lanes are really close together which makes it difficult for people with trucks or large SUVs. They need a much larger parking garage.

Review №82

This is by far the most screwed up va hospital Ive ever seen. My ophthalmologist sends me out for a procedure and then my pre-approved appts run out and now its been a couple months and Im still fighting to get more appointments approved so i can finish the procedure. there has been no communication from the eye doc and now the va staff tells me i have to get my primary physician to put in for a consult so i can he seen again where they did my corneal cross-linking... blows my mind how stupid this process is---- and people wonder why so many veterans end up committing suicide. . damn.

Review №83

The staff at the Emergency Room were wonderful and pleasant.And did the very best to make me feel comfortable.Especially Debbie,Scott and Robert aka bubba wonderful humans beings.

Review №84

The staff was very helpful and friendly. We got completely lost and were escorted to our desired location by one of the LPNs going on break. The morale in this place looks pretty high,keep it up. Parking can be tough to find, but they do offer shuttles around the campus.

Review №85

I had recent surgery at the Ralph H Johnson VAMC and the staff was world class. They were very kind and professional especially in addressing my questions and concerns. Im 2 weeks post op and doing great!

Review №86

Homeless programs and Patients Advocate need to be investigated. Had open complaint with Patients Advocate for over a YEAR now and they regularly avoid answering the phone. Went in person and they didnt have the case at all anymore. They dont actually log and report real complaints, have actual proof they work to BURY complaints to protect the V.A. not the patient.

Review №87

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs can truly care less about their veterans. Especially here in Charleston,SC at the Ralph H Johnson VA hospital. Cant ever get an appointment and now Ive been off my meds due to them not getting their heads out of their a** long enough to care. Horrible.

Review №88

This place is a good reason veteran kill themselves, had a appointment for tension headaches that Ive had since getting blown up in 2006 , the doctor told me I didnt have headaches, that I have a pinched nerve in My neck, that that the cause of my issues, yet I needed to get closer with my family and love ones.. my entire family is dead , so thanks doc Ill do that .. had another appointment today, I wasnt sure what clinic I needed to , the app or appointment tells you that , however I was 15 mins late running around this hospital trying to find the correct area .. seen the doctor walking back.into his office, told the front deck staff that inwas there to.see him, all.of a sudden hes got to go to a meeting and cant see me. Wants to reschedule for December.. told the lady at the desk about the issues with the app, she then says dang thats like a chicken sandwich without pickless.. this place is sad, i hate it everytime I have to.go.here for a problem ..

Review №89

I have been in the VA health system for 11 years receiving care at three different hospitals. Two of them were competent and efficient. The Ralph H. Johnson hospital and the clinic I go to is abysmally incompetent. Twice , that I know of,they have falsified my records to cover their incompetence.

Review №90

CPAP office, Do they train any of you on professionalism or customer service? Because, Ive never felt so belittled. You tell me to call before I come down, because I may not actually need to, but then I cant get anyone to answer the phone when I do. So, I go down to find out what is wrong with my machine, and I explain the problem as best as I can, only to be humiliated by Debra. How about instead of making your patients feel stupid, you educate them? Im sorry Im not an expert in your field.

Review №91

Worst VA for primary care accessibility and quality. Too few CBOCs, limited hours. Beaufort is a relic. Very rude and dismissive staff. Keep your expectations very low.

Review №92

The facility is a bit dated but I’ve had several procedures here, many appointments and one time I had to wait as there was staff that called in. That wait was way less than a “normal” day and any other non-VA facility I’ve ever been to.I appreciate the VA and this facility and Goose Creek are pretty awesome

Review №93

This hospital is a mess. The one Orthopedic Doctor that they have there was seeing 17 patients before 12pm. He stated that he was stressed out. It was a waste of time for me to go there to see that doctor. I had to tell him to pull up my MRI report to show what was going on with my knee in reference to compare to my XRAY report. I will never go back there again.

Review №94

The Physicians here at the Charleston VA arecaring and they pay close attention to detail,they truly have empathy, much more so than in Myrtle Beach .....over all I may have to drive 120 miles to get their, but I dont mind it when it comes to my health and the GREAT care giving,Now having said all of that,the parking sucks,but I figured it out if you will I found out if i arrive 1/2 hr early I have no problems with the parking you just have to be patient.Thank you Charleston VAGodBless.

Review №95

Worst and most disrespectful people working the phones for this clinic.

Review №96

Your veterans are late to appointments, missing appointments, or getting their vehicles towed because of lack of parking. Count the number of veterans you have coming in for appointments each day, then count the number of parking slots. Math does not lie. A disabled vet should not have to risk an expensive tow fine in order to attend a mandatory appointment at a time when bus service is not working.

Review №97

The staff (everyone of them) try to assist you if you look lost..the layout of the hospital is a bit complicated ....i respect the hard working staff that work their for us. I have had surgery there and other appointments and its ok..never to long of a wait and smoothly ran.

Review №98

The cafeteria doesnt offer Bubble Up soda anymore, which is a huge disappointment. Im also extremely dissatisfied that a Police Officer would give a $525 federal fine for somebody refilling their drink cup. If the VA Medical Center didnt want people to use the self-serve soda fountain for refills, they should not have them sitting in public.

Review №99

Multiple appointments over the past month. Ralph Johnson is best. Great service and fantastic staff

Review №100

Here for cardiovascular problems for three days. Nursing staff and Doctors about as good you could expect. No complaints at all.VA doctors and Nurses are great.

Review №101

I was put on a med. 4 Feb That can cause heart attacks and I already had 3. This med was for diabetes, and caused my sugar levels to sky rocket. I have been trying to get someone a nurse or new appointment, to call me back since 01 April with no luck. Its now the 27 April

Review №102

Dr. Friedman in the Pain Cl is the worst Ive ever dealt with in my entire life. I do not trust him or respect him as a physician. He should be striped of his license and put out to pasture like an old useless horse. Its doctors like him that gives the VA a bad name.

Review №103

Tammy Clements was the absolute worse to deal with. If you needs psychiatric help, stay away.. Not worth the time. Government employee keep their jobs even when they are worth the time of day

Review №104

Just dont go to Dr. Puder for mental health if you get PTSD benefits. Seems like a nice guy but hes busy framing away to get those benefits reduced. Ask him why he left Athens clinic in Georgia! DONT USE VA AND EVENTUALLY THE PARASITES WILL BE FORCED BACK INTO THE SEWER AND WE CAN GET VOUCHERS! DO YOUR PART!!!

Review №105

Ive been dealing with the Ralph Johnson since 1992. All my needs has always been met, and they have the most friendliest staff.

Review №106

Can never get in touch with anyone. Call goes to call center then forwarded to someone who just puts you on hold. Sat on hold for over 20 minutes; far too long to make an appointment they were supposed to call me about anyway, but never did. (I hope you have insurance.)

Review №107

Every hospital has their issues and the government is trying to get it right, Ralph Johnson Center and MUSC affiliates have been good to me for 10 years, and they are very caring towards the vets, thank you Ralph Johnson Center and MUSC affiliates.

Review №108

I have VA benefits unfortunately I live in Myrtle Beach so if I have a major problem I got a very long drive and you have to go through the ER its a pretty quick visit you see a doctor they take care of the problem the VAs in South Carolina are fantastic compared to others

Review №109

Staff is Incredibly nice and helpful!! Facility is doing some remodeling, but still clean and comfortable! Was a pleasant surprise considering the reports years ago!

Review №110

Horrible took a nurse a hour and half to come to ones room and my friend got a staff infection after first surgery sent home to early after surgery he was sent home in two days he wasnt even eating regular food this is no way to treat veteran that fought for our country would you treat your own family members this way ?? So treat all as you would expect to be treated you may one day be in there situation

Review №111

There is both good and bad in this place, unfortunately when I wrote this review I lean more towards bad than good. Look Ill say this and leave it alone and for good measure Ill go ahead and add a 3rd star BUT you can tell the difference between the staff members who are there just for a check and those who actually give a damn about their clients!

Review №112

I called because I have an issue I want to see my Dr about. Said they would call me back and didn’t.Complete blow off. We deserve better

Review №113

This is one VA hospital that has many issues in which the director seems to be not interested in them. His words does not match his actions. The veterans health is NOT a top priority at this VA hospital.

Review №114

Well currently up here in Chemo lab wishing they didnt change their tv programming. Cant watch news especially the only one that doesnt bash our Great President who has done so much for the VA!

Review №115

Quick, efficient, quality ER experience this morning. CScan, blood work and treatment within an 1.5 hours. Couldnt get better treatment anywhere.

Review №116

My father passed away here on February 11 of this year. It is now February 27 and the doctor has still not signed the death certificate. So my dad still can not be put to rest. The doctor refuses to answer the phone and no one at the hospital can/will help.

Review №117

Most helpful hospital Ive ever been to. They wont let you get lost!

Review №118

Absolutely appalled at the things the staff wite in the patients medical charts. I was reviewing my fathers medical chart and could not believe what I was reading. I have posted a picture in the picture section.

Review №119

My appt for a 15 min surgery was at 11 had to be thier at 10 to check in didnt get seened until 2:15 and had to wait again out of the prep room in the hallway hope I dont have to come back

Review №120

I am so so disappointed. They didn’t realize they were speaking to a health care professional when they made up lies about what they legally can and cannot do. If your veteran needs psychiatric help, don’t bother.

Review №121

This VA is a joke. Their telephone system currently is in a loop and you cannot get through. Third VA system I have used. This by far is the worst.

Review №122

The hospital stuff helped me more than any other major va hospital I used previously. Service 4 stars and look of inside 2.5 stars. Looks gloomy inside.

Review №123

Good luck trying to obtain a new ID. Customer care is near non-existant and no one can tell me what address my new ID was sent to. Thanks for nothing.

Review №124

Just wish that parking garage would be completed soon! Parking is tough, but doesnt change the excellent treatment of our veterans who deserve the best.

Review №125

Staff is very helpful. The waiting is too long. We had a 1:30 appointment and it is 3:30 and we havent been seen yet. The wait time is just unnecessary too long.

Review №126

Doctors and nursing staff are great

Review №127

My exsperence at this Hospital,has been nothing but great, from the volunteers to the Surgeons, to the nurses. My experience was great!!!! Thank you so much.

Review №128

Great staff. I was really nervous going into my procedure and the nurses/docs were so great. Kudos to the medical staff. Thank you!! 🙏

Review №129

For real? Youre reading reviews of a VA hospital? Look, either youre NOT a vet and it doesnt matter how nice the place is, or you ARE a vet and the place is what it is.

Review №130

The care I have gotten there over the years has always been top notch! They share doctors with MUSC and Roper Hospital, which are high level hospitals!

Review №131

The people answering the phone at the 477-0177 number are the RUDEST and most unenthusiastic customer care reps that I have ever dealt. This makes me regret serving our country.

Review №132

Drove myself to the emergency with an injured foot and soon realized there was no parking whatsoever available. Had to park across the street at the bank and walk the whole way with a severe injury.

Review №133

Great VA, had surgery A+, SAVED MY LIFE primary care is very thorough.

Review №134

When you call to try and make appointment the operator just hang up on you and they only care about them selfs I hate the va system

Review №135

I have always been treated very well by the doctors, nurses and staff. Great care for veterans!!

Review №136

Friendly reception and registration. Quick to be seen. Nice nurses. Nurse Practitioner was compassionate and friendly.

Review №137

It is a little tricky trying to get in and out of the parking lot but the facility itself is great. There are plenty of signs to get you in the right place.

Review №138

Called and was sent over to records and got hung up on. Called back and was sent to eligibility and waited for 13 min and no one picked up. Called back and was sent to eligibility again and waited on hold for another 15 min. What is going on over there???

Review №139

They staff us always proffesional and attentive to my needs. They have also saved my life when I had a heart attack and died on the table.

Review №140

Santa (my husband)goes to this V A medical center. There seems to be no waiting or anything whenever we have take him to see his doctor.

Review №141

I have been going here since 2002 and I can honestly tell you it is the Best Medical Facility I have ever been in .

Review №142

I want to thank Dr. Kalhorn and his supporting team for the services that I received in neurosurgery.

Review №143

I am dumbfounded why the hell for past year this hospital has no HR person. The CEO needs to go.

Review №144

Wonderful staff and as punctual as can be be expected. Anyone with complaints should see a civilian doctor mainly psychiatric

Review №145

If only one word could describe the the Ralph H Johnson VA Medical Center and the VA system as a whole it would be: Disappointing.

Review №146

Great medical facility I do not have much to say about that the Savannah Outpatient Clinic

Review №147

No one there knows what the hell is going on. 20 parking spaces for veterans hundreds for employees... unprofessionalism runs rampant from the bottom to the top in this place....

Review №148

Pleasantly surprised and pleased by the quality of care. God bless the staff here.

Review №149

Usually really good, but some employees are beyond horrible, infuriating. Most of the actual doctors are 👍.

Review №150

Best staff ever!!! Hats Off to you guys ans girls. They took excellent care of me.

Review №151

Blonde chick with skeleton toes that does c&p exams definitely needs a broom instead of lab coat

Review №152

This is my place of health care.well some of my medical care are at this hospital. Great care and services. Friendly staff.

Review №153

Parking is terrible!!! Everything else about this facility is great

Review №154

Volunteers top notch. Have to redo mri for some reason, going to be another month!

Review №155

Parking a bit tight but other than that all my needs are met, A+.

Review №156

Since being under the holistic care there I am a better person and my pain is manageable. thank you

Review №157

Best care ever. Alive today hanks to the great Doctors.

Review №158

They work hard to provide the best care to veterans that they can!

Review №159

Wait time in ER is outrageous. Been sitting for 3.5 hours and still not seen by a doctor.

Review №160

Mixed review. Sometimes caring medical staff, sometimes just a number.

Review №161

Va put BEE 🐝 in jail for asking for his medical records and va misdemeanor records 😎

Review №162

>is handicapped.>requests signature for handicap license.>lost paperwork with PII on it.

Review №163

Offers excellent care for veterans and family members from courteous staff

Review №164

This is not the best VA, but its not the workers fault. Its the administrations fault.

Review №165

I had 3appts.today, I had to fast for 1 of them , soooo now Im starving!!!!

Review №166

I am a disabled veteran and that have a great hospital here

Review №167

They are constantly striving to make each day better than the day before.

Review №168

The best VA hospital ive been too

Review №169

A busy place, and that is because the care there is the best in the VA.

Review №170

Great VA everyones so nice!!

Review №171

Parking can be tough so just go for the valet, its free!

Review №172

I am a veteran and a staff at Ralph H Johnson VA Medical Center.

Review №173

I am impressed with the facility! Beware of parking problems.

Review №174

I had a Colonscoptomy worst ever, twilight sedation

Review №175

Treatment was excellent. The facilities are outdated.

Review №176

Absolutely the worst organization ever run by mankind.

Review №177

Always great. In and out. Everyone so helpful.

Review №178

Theyve really improved in the last 10 years.

Review №179

Great, curteous medical care and environment!

Review №180

Mental health is a joke. Community resources are an illusion

Review №181

Love getting my meds from the VA.

Review №182

Good luck trying to find a parking spot.

Review №183

Friendly staff. Great care.

Review №184

Great place to stay and get well

Review №185

Class 1 hospital. Has all services.

Review №186

They have been excellent.

Review №187

In the renovation stages, but still up and running.

Review №188

Under construction, but still fast service

Review №189

Its helped me a lot with my health

Review №190

Excellent service 👍

Review №191

Clean, all about great service.

Review №192

Very attentive to our Veterans

Review №193

Go people

Review №194

Everyone is very kind and helpful

Review №195

Love my hospital.

Review №196

I cant complain 😌

Review №197

Terrible parking and services

Review №198


Review №199

Parking is bad.

36 Photos
3.3 Rating
  • Address:109 Bee St, Charleston, SC 29401, United States
  • Site:https://www.charleston.va.gov/
  • Phone:+1 843-577-5011
Working hours
  • Monday:Open 24 hours
  • Tuesday:Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday:Open 24 hours
  • Thursday:Open 24 hours
  • Friday:Open 24 hours
  • Saturday:Open 24 hours
  • Sunday:Open 24 hours
  • Wheelchair-accessible car park:Yes
  • Wheelchair-accessible entrance:Yes
  • Wheelchair-accessible seating:Yes
  • Wheelchair-accessible toilet:Yes
  • On-site parking:Yes
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